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Europeans are mesmerized by the iPhone

iPhone in EUThe research agency, Yankee Group, has released a few of its findings in the last study they performed. Part of those findings show that at least 40 percent of Europeans that are considering purchasing a smartphone, will indeed choose the iPhone. Part of the same group of people is leaning towards an Android, a BlackBerry, and a Nokia phone. However, the iPhone is the winner with the bigger chunk of pie.

The agency stated that these findings only come to support the strength and presence that the iPhone has in the old continent. The company’s VP Declan Lonergan stated that other mobile phone giants such as RIM and Nokia should pay attention to the growing popularity of iPhone.

The research project has only published certain findings, and besides the percentage of the market share for iPhone, they also shared that employees find the tablet as a reliable device. A majority of them stated that they have a lot more work done on trips if they are bringing a tablet with them. This means that the consumption of electronics is gaining a lot more strength in the workplace.

The employees that participated in the surveys for the study were all from European countries, such as the UK, Spain, Germany and Italy.

The complete report will be made available to the public the next month of July. They believe it will provide useful and valuable information to all of those involved in the mobile phone market. It should give them an insight on how are things currently running. Although the iPhone seems to be the grand favorite in European and North American continent, it should keep an eye on how other companies are performing.

The group stated that the modern employees are currently staying up to date with new technology and new releases. This also puts them at a higher step in the ladders, since it gives them more knowledge and more tools on how to get their job done.

Smartphones have become quite indispensable to hundreds of executives around the world. It provides a way of staying always in touch and keeps the business going while on the go. That is one of the reasons why the many employees that participated in the surveys, feel that having a tablet while they go on business trips can be help boost their productivity. The presence of Apple is strengthened by the fact that most employees prefer the iPad as a tablet.

This study involved the participation of 2,250 people who were executives or involved in the IT department of various companies in Europe.


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