Hardly a month ago, Samsung came up with its latest innovation in 14” inch laptop section, the Samsung QX410 notebook. It seems to be creating quite a buzz, so we at ItsaGadget decided to take a peek. The Exteriors – Flaunt me silly! The first impression that came to our […]
Could Google Cr-48 Chrome Laptop mean something in the future?
Today’s article is a leap into the future of Laptops/Netbooks: Google Cr-48 Chrome. Many people who applied for it online got their laptops delivered unexpectedly soon by the courier. Though there are many problems in this device, we’ll have to keep in mind that this laptop is still in beta […]
Acer Iconia dual touchscreen toy is coming out in January
A great news hit us this week: Acer Iconia, a cool dual touchscreen laptop will be released in January. Touchscreen may be great feature, but is may also become a great lack. The laptop features two average 14 inch screens displaying 1366×768 pixels resolution and both of them are touchscreen. […]