Loud noises are not fun to wake up to, especially not ridiculous beeps. Yes, you want to be awake, but you don’t want your first thoughts to be negative and frustrated. A Frenchman, Guillaume Rolland, 18, thought of the idea of waking up through scent. Prototypes have been made, and at the Google Science Fair Guillaume’s invention placed in the top 15 “inventions that can change the world” in 2014.
The device is called SensorWake, and is an alarm clock where the alarm is a scent. Testing done on 100 people using the SensorWake found that 99% of the time in under 2 minutes. If you happen to have a stuffy nose, then an alarm will sound after 3 minutes. To use the device, a capsule is inserted into the machine and the alarm set. The scent will come out at the designated time, waking you up in the morning with a rude beeping which shocks up more than wakes up.
The scent capsules last for 60 days and come in a range of scents that are interesting and creative. The scents are bacon and freshly squeezed orange juice, espresso and hot croissant, sweet peach and strawberry candy, seaside (monoi and tiare flower.), lush jugle (cut leaves and grass.), purifying tea tree and harmonious chocolate, stimulating ginger and invigorating peppermint, and for Kickstarter Backers only, Dollar and Ebony Luxury.
The SensorWake has a LCD screen, button setting, stop button and the scent diffusion system. It is 100% biodegradable and environmentally friendly. It is award-winning, getting in the top 15 for inventions that can change the world by Google, the Concours Lepine Gold Medal of the European, the EuroDistrik European Innovation Prize and the World Intellectual Property Innovation Prize.
No one’s first thoughts in the morning should be negative of frustrated, it’s not a good start to the day. As Guillaume says, “I thought that now, in the 21st century, everyone should have the right to wake up happy, relaxed and peaceful, ready for a great day. So I invented the SensorWake!”
The SensorWake is past the prototype stage and is looking for backers on Kickstarter to get the device out to as many people as possible. It’s a new technology, but if you’re someone who hates waking up to an obnoxious beeping, then it could be worth seeing how waking up to a scent works for you.
Source: Kickstarter