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OS X Mountain Lion roars with Apple upgrades

OS X Mountain LionSo what happens when Apple releases a new operating system? Well today it’s not just an Operating System update, there is a whole lot more going on. From how the Operating System sleeps, interacts with applications and a few new applications included with the software – this update is a winner for Mac owner’s everywhere.

The big winner though is it is bringing a unified login to Apple users. This is the foundation every major OS player has to start leaning towards to allow true interaction between device types. Google’s been doing it already and it looks like Apple now has it down.

The Mountain Lion’s Roar

First off, let’s be honest with one another. The release of Lion was more of a whimper than a roar. The release was plagued with bugs and not too many major upgrades that worked as intended and it just wasn’t universally selected. Mountain Lion’s release looks to change that. The first feature to do that is iCloud. It is Apple’s answer’s to Google’s single login and what Microsoft still hasn’t properly figured out. iCloud is a universal login that allows you to tie all of your devices together.


iCloud is something that seems simple and straight forward but universal logins that allow all of your devices to interact with one another is going to be the base component for the future between devices. Google has that figured out and now it looks as if Apple does as well.

That’s not all that is new though in the new OS X. We’ve also got 2 key features for those who need organization in their lives. A built in reminder and notes program that updated to take advantage of the newer style and features of the OS. iMessage has also made its way to OS X. Now you have the ability to keep up your iPhone/Pad/Pod conversations directly from your desktop. It ties in perfectly with the latest addition of iCloud into the OS.

Another big feature? The Notification Center. It’s a feature in most e-mail and many social networking programs and now it’s taking it all and tying it together in one singular notification area for your system. Personally? I like having it all in one place and think this is a great idea.

Mac’s “sleep mode” has been update and still is able to update Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Reminders, Notes, Photo Stream, Find My Mac, and Documents in the Cloud. When it is plugged in? It can do software updates for you as well. You’ll always be up to date without having to sit there watching it update.

There is a lot of work going into the latest release of OS X and Apple looks to be hitting all of the major updates in the areas that are needed or just plain useful.

The Mountain Lion’s Journey Continues On A Safari, Safari 6 to be exact

Well Safari 6 has launched and with it comes 4 main new features to enjoy! It’s finally a browser that Apple has needed to deliver to compete with Chrome’s top position in the current Browser Wars. Most of the features are standards found elsewhere but have finally found themselves a home in the Apple universe.

The first of which is Smart Search which is exactly what the name implies. It has search built into the address bar. Second of which is a Tab View which, which gives you a new way to browse through your open tabs. Third, and here we have some innovation, is iCloud tabs. This is something I believe that has been promised in a future version of Chrome but not yet delivered. The ability to sync your open tabs between computers that you are logged in at. (This would be my favorite feature in the update.) Built in social media sharing in the browser? Yes Safari has one of the features being toted in the next version of Internet Explorer. They’ve also added in privacy browsing and offline reading for websites.

Apple has a lot of positive announcements today and as long as there aren’t as many bugs as the last update should have a real winner on its hands.

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