Mobile Phones

A new wave of BlackBerry Phones flooded the Market: 9810, 9860 and 9900

The latest BlackBerry series hold a great name in the mobile phone industry, since thousands of customers have been expecting its release. The versatility of these phones can provide multi-tasking features, which can be enjoyed with models such as the BlackBerry 9810, BlackBerry 9860 and BlackBerry 9900.

Blackberry Bold 9900RIM is known for always finding ways to enhance their products; or so it was in the last few years. They implemented great advances in order to keep up with the demands of modern technology. As of today, the latest models found in the market are the BlackBerry Torch 9810, BlackBerry Torch 9860 and BlackBerry Bold 9900. By knowing the specifications of each of these phones, you can choose the best one that fits your needs. Check on each phone’s features and decide which one of the three is the best choice for you.

The BlackBerry Bold 9900 still has the same QWERTY design with the addition of a touch screen. Touch screen technology is very much in demand nowadays, and most branded phones have this feature. This is because such feature enables the user to navigate to the different applications present on the phone. With its touch screen feature, browsing over the net is quite easily done.

Also, viewing pictures with the easy zooming in and out of images is very convenient. This is quite handy if, in very rare cases, the keypad doesn’t work, just a tap on the screen will complete the task that you want to achieve. The keyboard remains with wide and large-sized buttons + slight ridge. Navigation controls are also installed which makes typing dark spots visible and convenient. So far, the BlackBerry Bold 9900 is the thinnest of all the Blackberry series.

The BlackBerry Torch 9810, on the other hand, comes with some general improvement. Nonetheless, the physical design is almost the same as that of the original one. One noticeable improvement is an enhanced display screen. The BlackBerry Torch 9810 is proud to feature a 3.2-inch 640×480-pixel touch screen. The pixels are not as visible as they used to be, and a brighter image and text is more obvious as compared to the old one. And, there is also easy to navigate from one application to other with a more enhanced menu feature which is operated by a 1.2GHz processor.Blackberry Torch 9810

The installation of a sturdier slider mechanism promotes a smoother functionality. Another noticeable improvement is the light-weight handset, which provides easier handling especially when the screen is open. What makes BlackBerry enthusiasts love about their phone is the Wikitude application and the integration of the BBM.

The Blackberry Torch 9860 takes pride with its 3.7-inch touch screen, being the largest among other BlackBerry phones in terms of display screen. Its clear bright screen makes it more appealing to the user. The Torch 9860, in comparison with other BlackBerry phones is the fastest in terms of processing. This is made possible by its BlackBerry OS 7’s Liquid Graphics technology and 1.2GHZ processor. Blackberry OS 7’s Web performance is faster by 50% than the BlackBerry OS 6 and twice as fast than the BlackBerry OS 5.

Blackberry Torch 9860


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