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Google TV was the biggest news from I/O 2010

Google TVAs we promised yesterday, another big news from Google I/O 2010 was the announcement of Google TV.
The motto of the new invention is: TV meets web. Web meets TV.

During that live event Google boys presented their future release as a revolutionary product designed especially for US people, who spend five hours per day watching TV.

They are trying to merge Web, which is a part that Google conquered ever since the search engine started with TV world, something totally new for them.


At the top screen of the TV you will always find a Quick Search box, which combines results from both, TV and Internet to deliver the best experience. Every show can be recorded by selecting your DVR from the menu. If the show is not found, Google showed us that we can choose to buy it from places like Fox, Hulu or Amazon.

If you haven’t idea of something to watch, just hit the Home Screen and you will find Google suggestions(based on what you have watched) or simply just access any video from the Web and the TV will love to see it. Sport fans will love it as it contains picture-in-picture feature and this means you can watch multiple games in the same screen.

What are the requirements for Google TV ? It’s simple: Wi-Fi or an ethernet cable and a HDMI cable that will connect to Google TV box. Apps or content can be pushed by Bluetooth from computer or Android smartphone.

Google TV is a mix of Chrome, Android and Flash 10.1 plugin. The partners are Sony which will come with a full line of integrated TVs and an integrated Blu-ray player, and Logitech which will provide the companion box. All partners are powered by Intel.

Partnership with Dish Network. Subscribers will be able to “seamlessly integrate content” into Google TV. Best Buy is the retail partner for, well, selling you the gear.

Google TV will be ready for open source in the summer of 2011.

One Comment

  1. My family and I purchased the Logitech Revue with Google TV and we all are very impressed! You’re definitely right! My boyfriend is a huge sports fan and loves the picture in picture mode. He gets to watch his favorite team while checking up on his other favs scores online at the same time. It’s awesome! I like to prank him by changing the channel with my phone when he doesn’t notice! haha he doesn’t like that to much, but enjoys the phone app remote too. Another great thing, is that if you’re a DISH Network subscriber/employee like me you can purchase the Revue with a 40% discount through DISH directly! It was certainly a great buy for my family, and I know a lot of people are going to enjoy this product just as much as me if not more! 🙂

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