Google Play podcast has been announced this week by Google and marks their jumping into the media of the modern age. They will be providing access through their store for podcasts, and launching an auto suggest feature to go along with it.
For those who haven’t been living under a rock, podcasts have become a regular part of life. Offering a unique form of entertainment you can’t get anywhere else, they have largely taken over the role that radio once did. But the flexible nature of downloading and listening at your leisure has shot them above the traditional format by leaps and bounds.
Getting On Board…Finally
Despite that, Google has been slow to offer their own support of podcasts. While you can download and listen on Android devices using apps, there was no Google Play option for downloading or monitoring shows.
Now that has changed. Not only will Google Play podcast now allow you to download episodes through their store, it will auto suggest titles based on your interests.
“Starting today on the web and rolling out on Android in the U.S. and Canada, we’ll connect you with podcasts based on what you’re doing, how you’re feeling and what you’re interested in,” the official blog announcement said.
Google Play Podcast Offerings
Don’t expect a catalog as large as the one on iTunes right away. At the moment they have only just begun curating their content offerings, and mostly include some of the biggest names.
Neil Degrasse Tyson’s science based StarTalk has been uploaded, as has Marc Maron’s WTF, along with a few dozen others. But for a more extended list you will have to wait as podcasters begin to port over their media files to the store.
In the meantime, there are back episodes of most shows currently available. So you can start listening as soon as you find something that tickles your fancy.
How To Put Your Show On Google Play
Obviously, this is an opportunity not unlike the original opening of Google’s app store. Podcasters should be flocking over any minute to start getting their show on the marketplace, the sooner the better.
If you have a podcast you want to include, the process is pretty simple.
Step 1: Sign into their Podcast Portal in their partner area.
Step 2: Select Add A New Podcast
Step 3: Upload the link to your podcast’s RSS feed.
Step 4: Verify ownership of your podcast.
Step 5: Fill in the necessary details and submit your podcast for publication.
Source: Google Blog