Gadgets Technology

HDHomeRun DVR – Connecting television to computers

HDHomeRun DVRSiliconDust’s HDHomeRun DVR is a device that connects the television to PCs and other devices around the home, offers the ability to record and save live television to be watched on a different device (like a tablet or smartphone).

Technology is finding ways of connecting the home in different ways. Entertainment is something that is both shared and individual, and enjoyed at different times. Being able to connect TV to digital devices and run the connection simultaneously would be good for some families.

Computers end up in most rooms, where as in the past it was a television set. The Internet does have a lot of entertainment available, but some shows are first shown on television before making their way online. Or, with sports, they may be shown live on television without access being available online. The ability to connect and record live television on a PC was technically difficult and required know-how, a high-powered PC that couldn’t be turned off and wasn’t worth the effort. HDHomeRun DVR makes this process easy, more or less connecting the device and running the app on PC, smartphone or tablet PC. The HDHomeRun DVR also connects to cable and satellite stations.

Support for this device currently is Windows, Mac and Android OS. iOS and Kodi are currently being developed, with SiliconDust on Kickstarter looking for funding to get these apps out to users. HDHomeRun DVR is available for the US and Australian/UK regions. There are CableCARD and ATSC versions (US only. $149.), a 2TB version (Australia and UK. $199 Australia/UK), a 4TB version (US only. $259.), 4TB/CableCARD or ATSC model (US only. $349.), a 4TB + CableCARD + ATSC (US only. $439.) and a 24TB + CableCARD + ATSC model (US only. $1,599.).Upgrades are available, should you find the storage space being filled up, or purchasing a second NAS device would add more. The storage is on the home network; so all devices will be able to use whatever is saved on the device.

HDHomeRun DVR may be coming a little too late to the market. It sounds like something that would have been more useful when television was more popular and the only choice. Most shows are available legally online, especially with service likes Netflix and Hulu, or sites such as YouTube. Television may not be dead, but is this device worth $149 plus, or $1,599 for the top model? If a person already has a subscription to a service like Netflix, why would they purchase this device?

Source: Kickstarter

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