The London Metropolitan Police now have a method for snatching data from the phone of a suspect they have taken into custody. It includes all kinds of fun stuff, like contacts, call history, and sms’. The catch is that even if no charges are brought against the individual, the data […]
Tag: Security
Global Surveillance methods revealed by Wikileaks
Governments tracking your phone, tapping in and listening to your every call, and even being able to read your messages is something that many people believe impossible and ‘crazy talk’. Governments wouldn’t do that, would they? And if they did how could a secret so huge be covered up? Why […]
Facebook Rejects Logout Cookie Allegations
A few days ago, a blogger named Nik Cubrilovic reported that Facebook’s new API’s allows applications to post messages on the new Timeline, without users’ intervention. The blogger explains that this new API is an extension of Facebook Instant, called “frictionless sharing” and although you might think Logging-Out will save […]