The roller coaster ride of the Bitcoin movement is on its way down again due to two of the most significant cryptocurrency exchanges crashing on Wednesday morning. Bitcoin was trading at a record high of $11,400 before dropping $2,200 to $9,200. The Bitcoin exchanges that crashed were Coinbase and Gemini, […]
Get a leg up on Black Friday with the hottest electronic gifts of 2017
The holidays are almost upon us and for those of us who like to get shopping done early, now is the perfect time to do it. Black Friday is just around the corner in the US. For Europe, it is already here. So what deals are currently taking the electronics […]
Report: Amazon Flex system is a headache for drivers
The gig economy that’s popping up around apps and smartphones is causing debate on who is an employee and who is a contractor. In terms of legal rights, there’s a big difference in who is entitled to what benefits. Amazon is coming under fire for what some of the delivery […]
The NSA still don’t know much about who hacked them
Since 1952, the United States’ National Security Agency has been finding wants to listen in on people’s communications around the world, and with the rise of the internet the NSA has been researching hacking techniques. And the agency became quite good at hacking, having a range of software, malware, ransomware […]
BitTorrent founder announces Eco-conscious BitCoin competitor Chia
Following the announcement that the anticipated BitCoin fork Segwit2X was being canceled, BitTorrent founder Bram Cohen has said that he is launching his own competitor called Chia. The ecofriendly cryptocurrency is set to use a block chain mining system that won’t use the electricity of other options on the digital market.
KRACK Wi-Fi exploit is threatening WPA2 protocol security
A new Wi-Fi exploit on the WPA2 protocol has been found with Android and Linux users being the most vulnerable. The proof-of-concept exploit is known as a Key Reinstallation Attack or KRACK. The attacker can read your data in an unencrypted form even if it is encrypted, meaning that your […]
Russian ad scandal widens as Google confirms YouTube, Gmail and others
Google has confirmed that they have found tens of thousands of dollars in advertising purchased by Russian operatives as part of a misinformation campaign aimed at the last election. It continues a trend first found on Facebook, where similar ads had been placed in an attempt to fan instability and […]