
Google Maps is adding the missing details

Google Maps vs Apple MapsGoogle has been stepping up its game over the last few years with its Google Maps app. Compared to Apple’s Map app, it is a clear winner. However, what does Google do better than it is competitors? Goggle’s skill lies in the details put into Google Maps.

What’s better about Google Maps

Let’s start with landmarks and buildings, or structures in general. Google Maps has put much detail into the structures, keeping the shapes as close to the actual buildings as possible. Even windows, stairs and other things that pop out are shown, giving you a closer look at what is there. Areas of interest show up, and that is handy for people traveling through or even locals who want to know what’s where. The closer in you go on the map, the more detailed the map becomes.

According to Google, the areas of interest are generated using an algorithmic process that identifies the areas with the highest concentrations of restaurants, bars, and shops. For people going to the city or town, they will know what is where and plan where to stay based on what they are after. Google uses shading to differentiate between high and low-density parts of the city or town, the densities of business districts and areas of interest.

Help from above

Google Maps is using its Satellite View to gather images from above to help with the design of the structures and areas of interest, Apple does not have these features on their version of Maps yet, and whether or not they will follow Google’s lead is unknown. Google spent four years putting this together, collecting datasets of imagery-extracted buildings. Apple has followed Google Maps with its Flyover feature, which is a plus for Apple Maps.

At the current moment, Google Maps is leading the way, and Apple is behind the eight ball. Considering how essential map apps are to people, the competition between Google and Apple is a good thing.


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