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Microsoft shares details about the upcoming Project Westminster

Microsoft Project WestminsterMicrosoft engineer  Kiril Seksenov has written a post for the Microsoft blog to talk more in depth about the much hyped Project Westminster, just the latest Microsoft project that has the whole world’s attention.

The announcement is not to exciting for regular Windows users, but a big deal for developers. In a bid to create a truly adaptable system for future applications, Microsoft is releasing Universal Windows Platform Bridges.

A three part system for developers to work with, these bridges consist of the following:

  • Developer tools
  • Store ingestion processing
  • Universal Windows Platform runtime frameworks

With these tools, developers can take existing hosted apps and port them to Windows 10. This is an important feature for the coming operating system, as they integrate all devices into a singular system and cloud.

It takes only minutes for existing apps to be scaled for multiple Windows devices. Then the API can be called from the associated Javascript file. A few more seconds customizing descriptions and details, and the app can be loaded right onto the Windows Store.

There are a lot of technical details that were broken down in the post. But the important bit comes down to this: Windows applications are now (finally) a viable format. Not just for mobile, which was arguably one of the biggest problems for developers before. Now, applications for anything web based, whether it is desktop, mobile, cloud or platform, is possible for existing and brand new apps.

In the past, making a Windows based app was pointless for 90% of developers. Who would download them? How much reach would they have? Most popular apps never made it out of the iTunes or Google Play stores, and the uselessness of Windows apps were a bit legendary among even users.

That seems to have changed in a big way. Project Westminster could very well be the step that puts Windows on the map equal to its more popular counterparts.

Not only that, but Microsoft is making sure to continue something they have done well for the last several years: support developers. Their programs that allow early release for beta testing has generated some trust, and they will be taking that further now. Increase support has been promised, and they have listened to past participants to learn how they can make developer’s experience better when working for their product.

It is an exciting step forward, and yet another sign that Windows 10 really could be what brings Microsoft back to the top.

Source: Windows Blog

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