Safety trackers have become all the rage recently. But what if you could have a single device that protects your house, your family, your pets, and your health? AllBe1 is the tool that lets you.
When you first see it, you will be surprised by just how small the AllBe1 really is. Approximately the same size as a Fitbit Zip, it is a tiny capsule that holds a lot of power.
Features include:
- Infrared alarm
- Tracker device
- Smart button
- Pet tracker
- Home security monitor
- Fitness tracker
- Thermometer
- UV monitor
The device is also built on an open platform. Developers can create their own apps to add to the functions on the device, and connect it to smartphones.
As of this writing, the AllBe1 comes with a handful of useful apps for customizing it to your needs:
- Out of range locker
- Low exposure
- Steps counter
- Range tracker
- Car alarm
- Drawer opener
- High exposure
- Thief detector
The device can be secured in a number of ways, from hanging it on a necklace, to putting it on a wrist strap, or attaching it to different belongings or a stand. So you will be able to change the function based on your needs at the time. Just choose your accessories, and make it work the way you want it to.
Already, AllBe1 has gone well over its original funding goal. Unfortunately, that means that most options are sold out. You can still get a single or double package offer, or some of the larger wholesale packages (3+). There is also a developers kit available, for anyone interested in creating apps before too many flood the market.
While normally I am skeptical of these security products, I like this one. It is small and unobtrusive. It can be easily adapted to fit different needs at any given time. You could have it on you while traveling and reap the benefits without anyone ever knowing. Plus, it is more affordable than most. You wouldn’t worry about putting this on your kid or dog, and having it fall off.
It seems likely that the fitness/security collaboration will become a bigger theme in these devices in the future. It just isn’t realistic to expect people to carry both; having one device that does it all makes more sense.
The only downside is that this lacks some of the more impressive (and invasive) features of other security devices. You can’t see inside your home, for example, or be alerted to problems like smoke detectors picking up a potential fire. Though the infrared camera does provide some security.
Source: IndieGOGO