You don’t always want to upgrade your smartphone for the newer model, but you want to have the smartphone do more for you. Nexpaq is a special kind of case that makes it possible to enhance the smartphone’s features in ways that you want it to be. There’s a lot that smartphones can do, and a lot that users believe they should be able to do. Nexpaq offers a bit more than a case with some fun extras, though.
Nexpaq is a case that allows a user to add different modules to their smartphone (Currently the iPhone 6, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge or Galaxy S5 only.) for a range of extra features. At present, there are 12 modules available.
The battery module adds extra battery to your smartphone (About 90% extra battery including the charge from the case.). The amplified speaker adds 30-60% more volume while maintaining sound quality. A super LED flashlight to take better night-time photos and see more in the dark. The SD card reader gives your phone more storage space perfect for iPhones with low hard drive space, a module to read temperature and humidity for the world and any objects around you, one to add hotkeys to your smartphone, a USB flash module to share files with your computer, friends families or colleagues, a module to read air quality, a breathalyser for those who want to see if they’re safe to drive, a laser pointer, a 64GB backup hard drive and dummy modules for when there’s an empty space.
That’s a fair amount of possible features. What makes the Nexpaq better is that the developers want users to suggest their own ideas for modules based on their needs. Developer kits are available, so users can attempt to make their own, be part of a community and a hardware app store. Unlike many other smartphone accessories, the modules aren’t brand specific. If a friend has a Galaxy S5, and you an iPhone 6, you can trade and share modules with one another.
All of the modules are controlled through an app that updates automatically when a new module is used. Design was important, as users want something that is functional and stylish without being too bulky. Nexpaq is available in sets that come with 4 modules and 6 module slots. Extra modules are $14 to $29 each. For some people, the nexpaq would be a better idea than upgrading their phone. If developers do start making modules, there could be very interesting new functions ending up in your pocket. Nexpaq is currently on Kickstarter.
Source: KickStarter