After a little sneak peek last week that built the hype, Facebook has officially released their new Slingshot app. The second application to come out of Facebook Creative Labs, it is directly taking on Snapchat using the same concept…with a twist.
Those who have used Snapchat knows how it works. You send a video or photo, add text and send it off to a selection of contacts. They open it when they choose, see it, and can either screencap to save, or let it pass into the ether. It offers a bit of privacy for communication from those who might check your phone.
Slingshot is based on much the same principle. It is a rapid quick photo and video service that lets you add text, colors and little items. But it doesn’t just let the receiver open it up as they like. First, they have to send something back. Reaction shots, thumbs up or just comments are encouraged. If you don’t want to send something, you can pass up the message without looking at it.
When something is viewed, it disappears just like Snapchat. Which gives the false impression that it is just another clone. The fact that something has to be sent back belies that accusation. That minor feature brings up a whole new purpose to the creation of the app itself.
Facebook has always been big about sharing. Their platform has been optimized for uploading and showing off photos and videos, especially. Including direct uploads that create a previous before autosaving to your albums.
Compare that to, say, Twitter, and you see the difference in priorities. Twitter is for quick link or micro-thought, of rapid fire conversation. Facebook is for content, visual or otherwise.
Slingshot further proves that obsession. They don’t want to give one user the power of creating content. They want to jostle their friends into doing it, too. So much so that if you have even a slight bit of curiosity, you are going to comply.
Annoying? Yeah, for a lot of people it will be. Especially anyone over the age of 25 who don’t have much patience for that kind of setup. But for an ever-growing number of younger people who live off of selfies and random video clips cataloging every second of their lives, it is sure to be much more welcome.
Snapchat, after all, provides privacy. But Slingshot forces returned interaction. What teenager doesn’t love the idea of a mandatory returned text?
Source: Slingshot Blog