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What to expect from Microsoft Build 2013 Conference

Microsoft Build Conference 2013Last year Microsoft’s Build 2012 Conference led to the announcement of the Surface tablets and details about their new Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. With Build 2013 coming, rumors are swirling like crazy about what might be on the horizon.

While we can’t know for sure what they are going to talk about, we can at least speculate…and look at what news on Microsoft has leaked lately.

An interesting note from the Wall Street Journal shows a couple of news leaks that won’t factor into the conference, but might show the direction that Microsoft is leaning for future projects. First came the story that the company had been in talks with Nokia about buying out their handset business. However, these talks faltered after Microsoft failed to agree to the heavy price tag. What that amount might have been is unknown.

The second story is the fact that Microsoft had planned on releasing an Amazon deal to take down the retail giant, as well as eBay. But they recently decided against the project, which was probably a good idea. Amazon in particular is growing, and it is hard to believe that even a big name like Microsoft could compete.

Windows 8.1 is likely to see a full unveiling, rather than the small details we have received so far. Also we should not forget about more products from the Surface line, including a possible mini device, have been rumored in the last few weeks. Most notably, a possible Surface smartphone could be seen during the conference.

Attendees could also possibly see more from the recent wash of Android-Windows integrated combination devices. The two operating systems seem to be solidifying the market for tablet/laptop combos. There are probably at least a couple that are set to be released in the next couple of months.

After screwing it up with DRM always online and used game policy, I think Microsoft will also preview some new features of the upcoming Xbox One console. Consumers have been critical, especially when it comes to the DRM and always-online issues. It seems likely that at least part of the conference is going to be dedicated to soothing ruffled feathers. Gamers can hope that some of there will be some changes made to the console where they failed before, especially after the PRISM fiasco.

Obviously, this is all speculation. But given what we have seen before and the major releases they have already set for 2013, it doesn’t seem far fetched that this will all be true.

Source: Wall Street Journal, Wall Street Journal

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