It’s been a big news for announcements on iOS apps and Apple, none of which never came directly from Apple though we did find some evidence that an iPhone 5 rumor was actually a fact. We’ll get to that in a minute though.
We’ve got a couple pieces of good news for the company in the form of a new app release and another app’s update, a couple pieces of bad news which will end up more annoying than anything, and another unofficial confirmation on a rumor concerning the new iPhone 5 that is mostly likely going to be announced next month. With so many hints on the rumor we’ll be talking about it would be great for Apple to step up and make an official announcement but as we all know it would completely go against their track record on how they deal with rumors.
The Good
The good this week comes in the form of two extremely large released for iOS. The first of which was announced over at The Next Web is that that Spotify has announced it already has a version that has been updated for iOS6 and is ready for release with a slew of improvements to the software. It allows for compatibility with all resolutions and has a few tweaks to allow iPad users to view more stations as well as a Facebook login issue that occasionally popped up in the last release.
Maybe music isn’t your thing? Maybe your more of the reading type? Well The New Yorker (which has often been praised as one of the best laid out iPad magazines) is now on being released on the iPhone. All Things D have explained that the app was designed differently from the iPad to make the iPhone interface perfect usable and it works! For all of the praise they’ve gotten on the iPad release they should be hearing it again now on the iPhone.
The Bad
Unfortunately good news isn’t all that Apple has had this week. There’s a couple little road bumps they hit today. Nothing that Apple can’t overcome but not something they are going to be happy that came up.
Apple’s “Genius” ads were everywhere when the Olympics hit. They tried to convey how great it was that someone from “Apple’s Genius Bar” was when they were around on a daily basis when you needed them. I mean how great would that be? Well the Internet has weighed in and many major blogs and YouTube comments answered that – they weren’t great at all. In fact Apple, who has a history of positive reactions to advertisements have apparently pulled the ads all together. According to a call that Mashable made to TBWA/Media/Arts Lab, Apple’s ad agency, this was the just for the duration of the first week of games. With how Apple usually overdoes it with advertising campaigns and the lackluster response these advertisements have received? Well it just seems a bit off.
Bad press isn’t the worst of Apple’s bad news this week though as MIC Gadget has reported that Apple is being sued over FaceTime for a patent in Taiwan by a businessman names Lee. The official press release released by Lee’s lawyer’s had this to say: “Lee is a technian of a Taiwanese tech company, he needed to travel aboard to various cities for work, therefore he always made international call to his company, parents and friends. Due to this reason, Lee was inspired and came up with an idea of implementing internet call feature on phones. Subsequently, he applied a patent for this idea in 2003.”
The Not So Ugly At All!
With Apple, love them or hate them it’s nearly impossible to call their work ugly. This piece of news is going to be absolutely no change and most likely a huge hit for everyone expecting it to be a slightly larger touch screen. There is a rumor that has been spreading around the Internet for awhile now that the next iPhone is going to have a nearly four-inch display attached to it which will free up some important space for everyone out there. The new display would increase the height but leave the horizontal length the same. What this new display would do when changed over would give five rows of icons instead of four and more screen space for when the applications have loaded.
So what do we know? Well according to 9 to 5 Mac the iOS development tools are able to emulate the larger rumored version of the iPhone. Is it left over code from a failed product? With all of the rumors hitting everywhere online it’s not likely and it looks as if we’ll all be seeing a larger iPhone when the new model is announced and released next month. Remember though folks until confirmed this is just a rumor and Apple isn’t in the business of confirming rumors, even when true, until an actual product is released.