Just about 16 years ago, I remember hearing the distinctive sound made by my computer whenever it was connecting to the Internet. Undoubtedly, things have changed drastically to the point where you don’t even need to be at home to access the Internet, much less use a cable or wire to check your personal email.
Among the leading wireless Internet providers you will find Clearwire – best known as just Clear. Today they have made the announcement of their newest device: the Stick Atlas, which is a USB modem just like the other devices offered by the company. The main difference is that it’s the first modem in the United States that can provide the consumer with immediate connection without having to update or install any type of software.
Clear has updating their list of products recently by adding three new ones in the course of the last two months. Their goal is to provide all of their customers with the power of choice, allowing them to choose the service and device that can serve their needs most suitably.
A few of the competitors are Cricket, Verizon Wireless and Virgin Mobile, but their strength is not in the mobile broadband area. Perhaps this is an advantage to Clear, who has been moving forward without hesitation. They state that they are raising the bar for their competitors, and they are proud to present a product that can be easily hooked up on the go, with no further hassle.
Moreover, the new Stick Atlas 4G – which is 4G capable of course – is completely compatible with devices that run on Android, Windows, Chrome, Mac or Linux. Certainly, they are not leaving anyone behind.
More on the Specs
The Stick Atlas happens to weigh only about 1.1 oz. and it measures 1.2 x 3.25 inches. It sports a dark greyish color and a light indicator of the connection, as well as the strength of the Internet signal. The Stick Atlas has been built by Ubee and will be selling for $49.99. Keep in mind that taxes and shipping are additional, but in a lot of cases you may be able to waive the shipping fees when ordering online.
No Caps and No Contracts.
One of the major complaints of consumers regarding mobile broadband and mobile phone Internet is the cap set by the provider. Take Simple Mobile for example which advertises “Up” to 3G speeds but their customers can’t get past a lousy 120 Kbps connection. With Clear, customers can enjoy full 4G speeds without having to sign a long-term contract, and there are no fees for going over the limit, since there isn’t one.
Clear currently offers mobile plans and home plans, and their devices include hotspots and wireless routers for your home. Plans start at $34.99 a month and they are available throughout major cities in the U.S. Be sure to check their coverage map before ordering any of their devices and services.