E3 2010 is finished, but we didn’t want to end this important week without one last announcement from there: PlayStation Move.
Move is a motion-sensing game controller developed by PlayStation for their 3-rd generation of consoles and claims to be better than Nintendo WII one. As you may see from the left picture, this motion system has two components: Motion controller and Navigation one. Both use Bluetooth 2.0 wireless radio communication and an internal lithium-ion battery(charged by USB) to communicate with PlayStation unit. You can you use up to four move controllers same time.
The motion controller allows the user to interact with the game wirelessly with motion and positioning sensors through PlayStation Eye Camera. The color changing rubber sphere from the top of this controller helps PlayStation to track your position in 3D space with 3 coordinates(X, Y, Z). This sphere helps you to easy identify your own controller and never miss a shot whether you play golf, beach volley or other games. PlayStation Move space orientation is different from WII because it’s using three-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer and a magnetometer(“used for calibrating the controller’s orientation against the Earth’s magnetic field”) while the Japanese controller is using only the accelerometer sensor.
Under the colorful sphere there are the four buttons similar with the ones from the PlayStation controller: square / circle / triangle / x and in the middle there is large button with Move sign on it. On the left and right side of the controller are the Select and Start buttons while on the back is the analog trigger(T). Vibration feedback is felt during the controller usage.
Moving next to navigation controller, the one that is supplementary to the Motion one and features an analog stick, directional buttons and two shoulder buttons. Between the analog stick and directional buttons, x and circle buttons are positioned on each side. There are no motion sensors inside the navigation controller.
Most games will require a setup that you will perform in front of the Eye camera and can consist in a full stretch of the arms with both controllers or other special movements. There actions will make it easy for PS3 to detect further movements performed by you inside games.
PlayStation Move will be released on Q3 this year and the price is estimated to be under $100 and will include Motion and Navigation controllers. Another Move component could be released at the end of the year and is a shooting(handgun) attachment.
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